Tuesday, 6 March 2018

From Vampires to Vendettas

The period between March and October 1970 marked when David Farrant abandoned his "ghost" to board what was perceived to be a bandwagon that had captured the public's attention. By mid-March it had become a world phenomenon. But on March 6th the Hampstead & Highgate Express featured on its front page, beneath the headline "Why do the foxes die?" a meeting between Seán Manchester and David Farrant where the latter's alleged sightings of a tall dark figure gliding along a cemetery path, the discovery of exsanguinated foxes, and intention to pursue the predator fuelled the situation.

Farrant stated in the newspaper that, based on what he had learnt, he now believed it all "points to the vampire theory being the most likely answer." Whether he did or not, he told both newspaper and Seán Manchester that he was "prepared to pursue it, taking whatever means might be necessary." He was already acquainted with what those means were, having read the same newspaper's front page on February 27th where Seán Manchester explained the traditional methodology by which vampires are dispatched. However, he was quick to point out in the same article that it would be illegal in these circumstances to do so. Hence Seán Manchester felt obliged to warn against Farrant's plan, which he did in the following week's newspaper, and on an ITV television programme on 13 March 1970. This did not deter David Farrant, however, who five months later entered Highgate Cemetery armed with a wooden stake and crucifix, and wearing a Catholic rosary.

Farrant was arrested by police during his nocturnal graveyard antics, and held on remand at Brixton Prison. Whilst there he wrote to Seán Manchester, asking for him and the British Occult Society to speak on his behalf at the court hearing. Yet Seán Manchester months earlier had warned against Farrant's behaviour, which he could not possibly countenance. He nonetheless visited Farrant in prison to explain why he was not willing to grant him what he wanted by endorsing what had occurred on the night of August 17th. Farrant became belligerent from this point, falsely making claims that he was a member of the British Occult Society. During which time he lost interest in pursuing vampires and concentrated on adopting a career in what ostensibly appeared to be the dark occult and theatrical Satanism. No longer would he be seen with the trappings of Catholic accoutrements. Now he wore pentagrams, burned black candles and claimed to sacrifice animals in sinister ceremonies.

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